Security - Malware - OMACP vulnerability?

@Don_t_touch_the_appl - we usually talk about Teracube phones here. However, its possible that your Vivo phone also is using the Omacp app from Mediatek (or Qualcomm). These apps are not virus and are chipset maker provided apps to configure cellular connectivity.

@amqueue - Teracube is not connected with Vivo in any way possible. Infact some connection would have been good - they have huge manufacturing power. But nops - no connection. We are a small startup out of Redmond, WA and they are a behemoth out of China.

it seems our Omacp discussion has shown up in some Vivo forums (or on google). I don’t mind free publicity though :slight_smile:.

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That’s cool! At least I know my confusion was reasonable. :smiley:

Yes, Omacp is not at all virus, and thanks to this community I cleared my doubt :grinning:
Hope for positive updates from this app.

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