Bootloader screen comes up blank in 13.0.3 emerald

I downloaded the update a couple days ago, and realized that it removed my magisk install.

I tried to reinstall magisk, but when I run the command to reboot into the bootloader, the screen comes up blank. No options on screen, just a blank gray screen.

I’ve been meaning to do a wipe anyway, so I spflashed it and reinstalled the 13.0.3 update from stock 11. I went to unlock the bootloader again from there, and the blank screen thing happened again.

I remembered the order I needed to press the volume keys in last time to enter fastboot, and it actually worked and I was able to unlock my bootloader despite the screen being blank. The actual process still works, but the UI is missing.

I checked my developer settings, and it says my bootloader is indeed unlocked, but there is no longer an orange state message or symbol on my boot screen anymore.

I have not tried again yet to install magisk. I’ll update on if I’m still able to do that.

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I was able to reinstall magisk! The UI on the bootloader screen was still missing, but if you know what buttons to press, you can still enter fastboot mode through it to root your device.

Everything else seems to be working OK. I’ll update again if anything else weird happens.

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Hey, thanks for reporting. We will patch this up in next month’s security update.

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This was patched with recent update.

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