I believe this is the relevant section of the logcat. Have you seen call recording working on the LineageOS builds?
07-08 09:58:31.963 605 3088 I Codec2Client: Creating a Codec2 client to service "software"
07-08 09:58:31.966 605 3088 I Codec2Client: Client to Codec2 service "software" created
07-08 09:58:31.979 499 499 W IMGMemtrackHAL: hal_get_memory: memtrack cache rebuild was required
07-08 09:58:32.038 2555 2555 D Documents: Content updated.
07-08 09:58:32.038 2555 2555 D ContentLock: run when unlock, is locked : false
07-08 09:58:32.039 2555 2555 D Documents: Content updated.
07-08 09:58:32.040 2555 2555 D ContentLock: run when unlock, is locked : false
07-08 09:58:32.061 478 812 D AudioALSAStreamManager: getInputBufferSize(), sampleRate = 8000, format = 0x1, channelCount = 1, bufferSize = 320
07-08 09:58:32.068 518 1949 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT for uid=10131 => granted (367 us)
07-08 09:58:32.071 518 1949 W ServiceManager: Permission failure: android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_HOTWORD from uid=10131 pid=6925
07-08 09:58:32.071 518 1949 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_HOTWORD for uid=10131 => denied (603 us)
07-08 09:58:32.071 518 1949 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForInputSource() no default device defined
07-08 09:58:32.071 518 1949 W APM_AudioPolicyManager: getInputForAttr() could not find device for source 4
07-08 09:58:32.071 518 1949 E AudioFlinger: createRecord() getInputForAttr return error -22
07-08 09:58:32.071 605 1523 E IAudioFlinger: createRecord returned error -22
07-08 09:58:32.072 605 1523 E AudioRecord: createRecord_l(0): AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -22
07-08 09:58:32.073 605 1523 E StagefrightRecorder: audio source is not initialized
07-08 09:58:32.074 6925 6943 E MediaRecorder: start failed: -2147483648
07-08 09:58:32.102 681 759 D AAL : 07-08 09:58:31.957 BL= 386,ESS= 256, 07-08 09:58:31.992 BL= 385,ESS= 256, 07-08 09:58:32.029 BL= 384,ESS= 256, 07-08 09:58:32.065 BL= 383,ESS= 256, 07-08 09:58:32.102 BL= 382,ESS= 256,
07-08 09:58:32.106 2555 2555 I ProvidersCache: Updating roots due to change at content://com.android.providers.media.documents/root
07-08 09:58:32.119 6925 6943 W CallRecorderService: Could not start recording
07-08 09:58:32.119 6925 6943 W CallRecorderService: java.lang.RuntimeException: start failed.
07-08 09:58:32.119 6925 6943 W CallRecorderService: at android.media.MediaRecorder.start(Native Method)
07-08 09:58:32.119 6925 6943 W CallRecorderService: at com.android.dialer.callrecord.impl.CallRecorderService.startRecordingInternal(CallRecorderService.java:19)
07-08 09:58:32.119 6925 6943 W CallRecorderService: at com.android.dialer.callrecord.impl.CallRecorderService.access$100(CallRecorderService.java:1)
07-08 09:58:32.119 6925 6943 W CallRecorderService: at com.android.dialer.callrecord.impl.CallRecorderService$1.startRecording(CallRecorderService.java:1)
07-08 09:58:32.119 6925 6943 W CallRecorderService: at com.android.dialer.callrecord.ICallRecorderService$Stub.onTransact(ICallRecorderService.java:22)
07-08 09:58:32.119 6925 6943 W CallRecorderService: at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(Binder.java:1021)
07-08 09:58:32.119 6925 6943 W CallRecorderService: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:994)
07-08 09:58:32.119 605 1523 W StagefrightRecorder: stop while neither recording nor paused
07-08 09:58:32.120 605 1523 W StagefrightRecorder: stop while neither recording nor paused
07-08 09:58:32.121 605 3088 W StagefrightRecorder: stop while neither recording nor paused