[Certified] Android 13.1.1 for Teracube 2e Zirconia (SN:2020)

My Zirconia upgrade from 11.04 also ended with unrecoverable corruption, making a wipe necessary. It’s a backup phone with nothing lost save for installed apps and icon layouts. I was going to factory reset it regardless, but wanted to see if there would be a performance difference with and without a full wipe. I will never know now.

On the plus side, the phone is actually responsive enough to be useable now with 13.02 installed.


Important Update Available:

We’ve released a new update to address issues encountered during upgrades from version 11.0.4. This update also includes security patches up to April 5th, 2024.

For Emerald Users:

We’ve created a separate upgrade thread specifically for emerald users. You can access it here


Downloaded the file to my PC and was going to manually transfer it to my phone. I was surprised to find the update (link) and notification already there. Downloaded it directly, it installed, I rebooted and voila!
No muss, no fuss. Thanks


Updated from rooted Zirconia 11.0.4 today using yesterday’s download. I was not offered OTA, but local seemed fine. 15 minutes from start to first unlock. Automatic crash reboot after 2 minutes. 10-12 minutes to next unlock, then waited 20 minutes before giving up and doing manual reboot as the finishing system upgrade wasn’t starting. After the manual reboot, upgrade officially finished, but I still had random reboots until I installed the three or four system updates from the security menu with a few reboots. After that, everything seems normal though I had 84 pending software updates in the play store.

On rooting, reboots take the bonus two minutes of sadness.


13.0.3 does still have the issue where unexpected reboots mean no sdcard until you complete a manual reboot, whether rooted or not. Also, it still has the bug where ANR will continue until you let it close the app, so I highly recommend using the ANR timeout module if rooted.


Few days later, and some notes for my rooted 13.0.3 experiences.
One, USB settings has a toggle to choose between taking or giving power, but it doesn’t seem to actually flip - always says that it wasn’t able to change. If that was working properly, then we could presumably use high-powered charge adapters even without the resistor, while not losing the ability for people with USB-C accessories to be able to enjoy using them.
Two, when there’s a crash-reboot then not only will the sdcard fail to load but the WebView will also break. Note that this does not happen if you trigger a reboot normally. Also of note, holding the button to reboot before it gets to the launcher does not provide a healthy logon.
Three, I use Orna (geolocation game) as my simple WebView test, since it won’t get past the initial splash screen to the login screen if the WebView has failed to start. I keep the WebView Beta installed and on my home screen for easy launching, as it’s actually the same version as the stable WebView. Of note, the WebView simply needs to be toggled, so if you prefer not ever leaving it on Beta even when it’s the same version, simply set to Beta, then toggle back to Stable immediately and that should heal WebView until the next crash-reboot.
Four, regarding the failed sdcard loading, it defaults to a silent notification, which means that when you’re in DND mode, it won’t display at all. I’ve changed the priority of my own storage notifications to normal and bypassing DND so that I can easily see whether I need to kick off another reboot even when it’s late at night or I’m otherwise in DND.
Five, regarding using the ANR module, while it does reduce how often you get into ANR loops, it increases the chance of a crash reboot if your launcher doesn’t start quickly enough. As such, it’s currently disabled in my module list but still available in case I clear out enough startup apps to not bog down my launcher.

Still wish there was a way for rooted reboots to be as fast as unrooted but for now CF.Lumen, Greenify, and Titanium Backup are all still important enough for me to maintain my rooted state.

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I installed 13.0.3 on Saturday on my Zirconia. The phone didn’t find any updates from 11.0.4 so I downloaded from the links above. Fingerprint, PIN, and encrytion were all enabled. After the lengthy upgrade process I got the message that Android couldn’t load due to corrupted data. Gave it three tries before factory resetting. I think I’ve been on the same install for almost 3.5 years so maybe it was time to start over. Unfortunately my screenshots and stuff were on the internal storage and I didn’t realize it would wipe absolutely everything there, not just the system folders. Most things are on the SD card though. Also Google didn’t recognize any backups from the previous install so it really is starting from scratch.

Had a random reboot Saturday evening, and couldn’t get GPS to work on Sunday until I rebooted. Other than that it’s been reasonably fast and stable. Only thing I really miss so far is being able to set a battery charge limit.


Hi, could you please confirm how much storage space you had free before proceeding with the update?

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Thanks for the update. Please do post your experience after few days.

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Any instructions for installation as I am using e/OS? Thanks.

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not a literal answer, but one option would be to wait until the /e/OS release eventually follows the stock software release (latest posting here):

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I had about 12 GB free on internal storage before the update.

No issues to report since the first day. Battery life seems good.


I upgraded from 11.04 to 13.0.3 on phone yesterday so far all is well had to uninstall and reinstall a couple of app after restore but all is working good.


Would you be so kind to provide more details? Were you updating from 12.1 or 11.0.4 or other? How long did it take? Where you prompted to update by the phone itself (like Pat_2284 above) or did you manually download the file? Thanks in advance!

Hi I manually downloaded it and installed. Maybe took 30 to 45 min. to have it up and running then you have to go back though all your apps and sign in and out once that way when you need to loggin for real it will have your password and stuff.


I updated from 11.0.4 to 13.0.3 by manually downloading the file and had to perform the factory data reset. Luckily I expected the problem and had backed up all my data, but getting everything reconfigured was very inconvenient. I had about 8 GB of space free, and a PIN configured, but not a fingerprint. (I think I also had encryption set up, but now it’s too late to go back and check.) I encountered an issue with Android Auto at first (it silently refused to connect with no error message provided), but that issue went away on its own later the same day, and my phone has otherwise been stable.


Updating from 11.0.4 to 13.0.2 (Downloading from the page) to 13.0.3 (with android update option) without problems.
Google app store and Google Pay works.
VoLTE not visible so possible to activate. VoLTE was possible in 11.0.4.

Quick note that my upgraded device from 11.0.4 straight to 13.0.3 (no wipe) has VoLTE active on the TMo network. Toggling that also changes the Carrier video calling option, so it’s possible that being disabled might be a feature of the APN settings on your device, or an issue with the 13.0.2 to 13.0.3 upgrade.

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Updated from 11.0.4 (I think) to 13.0.3 with the “All other Zirconia users” .zip file. Encountered the “Try Again or Factory Reset” error message, tried again, then successfully updated after choosing the factory reset option.

I am on the Red Pocket Mobile GSMA plan (just got the memo that Tmo is better, but hoping to run out my current plan first). Manually entered the APN settings after updating, and I am able to send SMS and MMS but cannot make voice calls. This appears to be a VoLTE issue.

In Settings > Network & internet > SIMs, I see no option to enable or disable VoLTE. I do not see any reference to VoLTE in any menu now. I was successfully using VoLTE until today’s update.

Any tips for troubleshooting?

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If you reset the APN settings to default and reboot, can you try making a call again?