Okay, I dumped the FM Radio app from my Teracube_One Android 10 ROM using APK Explorer.
I sideloaded it onto both my Zirconia and Emerald Android 12 units and it seems to run fine. I can’t test, however, since I don’t have any headphones at present 
It also seems to run fine under /e/OS v1.11, as well.
Use at your own risk, as it requires sideloading from outside of the Google Play Store:
com.android.fmradio.apk (642.8 KB)
MD5 - 0446029b99a4db7e8eb1af62914cc2b3
SHA-1 - 7495a7630fb6f00a7a8f516467c9f7cb7d6a8dd0
SHA-224 - 34fe104dcb16c9367ced73122acc7b7c28115ea3d3190cbe8ad4b189
SHA-256 - 0350c83ff2f991e4cf4c6860ca5f53c16275ce71c9e3e2e7ca07ebb57414ecdc
SHA-384 - f0591331d841d8e4e44af24b80df5601714c8d7f8d48e3d7bb404d7f9b932f7d165315cb54d786ce1ef34cee4935aacb
SHA-512 - ba8a565d82c4334fe2b19cdb3f6b42d2e4a38092f7c65b75efdfec1278419ed978e999cf39ef7d11dc45b6ebdbd8063812163d984df1d68d3caa21e0a9cc2d31
CRC32 - e2d91877
Incidentally, this appears to be the exact same build of FM Radio (AOSP) that shipped in the TeraCube_One Android 12 alpha image, so, I believe this is the most current one (or at the least, the most current one I have access to).