[Fix] SP Flash installation error - side by side configuration is incorrect

A user had this error while installing SP Flash software on their Windows 10 PC.


This error could be due to missing Microsoft VC++ redistributable which most computers usually have.

Few articles on this:

  1. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/the-application-has-failed-to-start-because-the/5c6a015e-4162-491d-b7d9-f3b13612e304
  2. Solved: The Application Has Failed to Start Because Its Side-By-Side Configuration Is Incorrect Error - MajorGeeks

Suggested fix

[Step 2 in the majorgeeks article above.] Use this link and this link to install the VC++ redistributable.

Please do reply here if this works or does not work for you.

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