Hi finally put a sim card in my phone and i get incoming calls but i have no clue how to answer them…help
Are you not seeing an answer button on the screen? Could you please share a screenshot/video of what happens when a call comes in?
No answer button. I press the phone icon and it just takes me to a contact screen…sometimes I can fumble around and find
a place to answer the call but it’s a crap shoot
Very frustrating. I used skype for a 2 yrs without a sim card and had no trouble answering calls. Do you thing because I have
skype on my phone it’s not bringing ups the answer button??
Anyway you can help would be great… I finally put a sim card in so I could make calls away from my house and wifi…but if
its not going to work with a sim; I’ll just drop the service.
This is interesting. Could you please take a video of your phone when a call comes in. If you are concerned about privacy, then you can share it personally with me by clicking my profile icon or email it to support@myteracube.com .
Here is a youtube video on how an incoming call looks like on a different Android phone. Ours would be somewhat similar with on screen notification for incoming call.
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