Hi Everyone,
As you all know, Teracube aims to solve big sustainability issues with our electronics. There is another big problem impacting our society right now: screen time addiction. This is not only relevant for adults but also very scary for our Kids. Average screen usage for Pre-teens is 4-6 hours and an astronomical 9+ hours for Teens!
It was not these stats or the Facebook whistleblower but a close friends’ daughter suffering from severe body image depression that made me think - we should not be sitting idle while parents and kids across the planet are struggling to manage their screen time and social media addiction.
I’m excited to announce that we have made progress and are getting ready to launch Teracube thrive - a safe phone for kids. Thrive inherits the sustainability attributes of Teracube phones and has been created to provide a safe, productive experience for children while protecting them from some of the harmful effects of technology that we all know too well.
How is thrive different? Most other smartphones are made for adults and require an app. Teracube thrive on the other hand has built-in parental controls so that Kids get a safe phone experience right out of the box.
Sharad Mittal
Founder, Teracube
ps: Would love to hear from you. Please post your comments, suggestions or questions below. And please keep the discussion related to thrive only.