We would love to compile a list of working carriers in the EU and UK. Please reply on this thread with your country, carrier name, and any special setting that you had to enable to get everything working.
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In the UK, I use giffgaff, an MVNO hosted on O2. I had to create an Access Point Name with parameters as follows:
Name: giffgaff
APN: giffgaff.com
I think that all other parameters were left as default. I don’t use MMS.
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In Spain, for MVNO Parlem, on MasMovil net, I’ve had to configure APN as follows:
Name: Parlem
APN: internetmas
APN type: default,supl
4G calling is activated.
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je suis chez Orange en France
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I tried tog get information of swedish carriers that would work with a Teracube 2e before I bought mine but I didnt find anything.
However I can verify that the Tele2 carrier works fine for both calls and text messages (sms/mms).
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