Middle of the night "emergency broadcast" tests

I am receiving Emergency Broadcast Test messages that no one else in my house on my phone plan are receiving and they are receiving ones I am not - the messages I am receiving are both in English and another language (not sure what it is) - it’s annoying when I receive 8 of them between 10:30 and 12:00 Noon on a weekday - it’s INFURIATING when I receive them between 11pm and 1am in the morning when I have a migraine like last night. (I’ve had middle of the night alerts the last 3 weeks)

There was one other post about emergency broadcast messages - and there is a note on it that the problem has been resolved - but not what was done to resolve it - help please

have you turned off emergency alerts?

Really sorry about that. You can disable test messages with the following steps:

  1. Open “Messages” App > 3-dots (top-right) > Settings
  2. Tap Advanced > “Wireless emergency alerts”
  3. Tap 3-dots (top-right) > Settings
  4. De-select “State and local tests” OR “emergency required tests”.

This should stop all test alerts. If you still get the alerts, you could disable emergency alerts all-together and let us know so that we can diagnose this further.

I get these alerts every once in a while in the middle of the night. Under my messages app settings I do not have “State and local tests” OR “emergency required tests"

I turned off All emergency notifications so hopefully that did it but any other suggestions?

Do you know what alerts you received? Were they test alerts or some genuine alerts?

I believe that most of them were test alerts. - but was very hard to figure out because the language wasn’t english - I think they were in Spanish

175lbs down and still shrinking slowly

They are always the recording that says
This is a test of the emergency broadcast system. Then the annoying sirens.
The volume bypasses my phone settings.
But not sure if it’s legit or not.
Could be coming from some app.

These are most likely real tests of the alert system. Have you gotten them after disabling the test alerts in settings?