Ready to buy a 2e...but where?

$329 = Murena Teracube 2e – eSolutions – deGoogled phones and services
$299 = Teracube 2e - Eco-Friendly Smartphone

Are these the same phones? I’m confused about the price difference. Is one a reseller? I’m hoping to get the correct one and want to be sure I get SN2021 and not SN202.


I don’t represent the company, but both 2e’s are the same as far as the hardware is concerned. The Murena ships with /e/ OS, which is a de-googled android operating system, whereas the phone directly from Teracube comes with android 10. As for the batch, I believe all will be the 2021/2022 batch if you buy brand new. If you want a first batch, you’ll have to buy used from Marketplace - Teracube Community. Hope this helps

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Thank you. It probably should have been obvious to me, but I appreciate the help. Sometimes it’s fun being on the bleeding edge, even if this isn’t that bloody here any longer.

These two are the same phones hardware-wise. However, the Murena version comes with /e/ OS pre-installed while one sold directly by Teracube comes with Stock Android (with Google play store).

Teracube sells the phones with Google Android. Murena resells them with e/OS. That is 30$ difference.

Who pays for the work to install the OS? If you do it yourself it could take an hour or longer. if things go wrong,how long
does it require to get an answer?
I bought a teracube with e/os installed and installed e/os on a Fair phone 3. I would rather pay.

Might make more sense to post this in the Marketplace rather than the support forum. You’ll likely get useful responses faster.

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