Stock camera app on T1-Android 10 is very basic

After the upgrade to 10 the stock camera app is about as bare bones as it gets. It lost features like the equivalent of “portrait mode” and I am only seeing 1 mode now, Normal. There seems to be a few setting but it’s kind of disappointing how featureless the stock camera app is after the 10 upgrade. Am I missing something? Is there a defacto recommendation on another app that works well on Teracube?

I am not looking for a crazy amount of features just something that has a few modes for different types of pictures. Not overly interested in making manual adjustment each time I take a picture, just an app that would have some out of the box auto features that you would see in any other standard camera app.

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Yes - its a known thing and is on our agenda. Its a mini project by itself - porting features from Android 9 app. Meanwhile, Open camera is the recommended app on the forums - you could give it a try.

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Was the camera issue ever addressed? I’ve had a One since the beginning, but finally got around to using it just now. It’s certainly a different experience going from iPhone to Android. I believe I do have the latest update.

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Most folks I think use alternative camera apps. I use OpenCamera, though the UX of ProShot is better, especially if you’re used to DSLR/MILC camera interfaces.

I’m trying that. It seems ok. What do you use for photo editing after? Somehow I have it editing using google photos as a default, but not sure how to change that to something better. Tough not really knowing ins and outs of Android yet.

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I use the Simple Mobile Tools Gallery Pro, along with the rest of their suite of apps for all my core apps.

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