Teracube 2e case 3D file

Here is the .stl file from solidworks import of the .stp file, it should be just the same.

I’ve also completed a Solidworks modification of this file that removes the corner “bumpers” as I described. It’s more of a kludge than I could have accomplished with the original design file, but hopefully it will be easier on my pockets. I’ve ordered one, but don’t want to post the file until I know it prints something useable.


Thanks, I think I’ll wait for the new version so if it works I’ll just use that one, thanks for the stl file nonetheless

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This is what the case without bumpers should look like when printed. I was mostly able to use the contours of the main case to “cut” the bumpers off, but was left with some corners that I had to “plane” off (the flat faces). I also increased the size by 1% because the current Craftcloud case was very tight.

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I got my case without the bumpers yesterday, and it seems fine so far. I had increased the size by 1% and I can now get the case on and off without taking the back off of the phone. The .stl file is here. I used Craftcloud to print in black TPU with 20% infill this time. The “planed off” corners are evident, but not as obvious as I’d feared. With the “grain” of the printing, it looks better, I think.


Awesome, I’m gonna get mine printed :slight_smile:

Hi there, my 2 original cases have been thrown in the trash… and now I have my own green 3D-printed case!

I am already at version 3; I edited the Teracube STL in Tinkercad.
If anyone is interested, I can post it here. (without my logo of course)
Version 4 needed because, some things don’t feel right yet.
Gonna try to post a picture with the phone in the case, then.

  • I added extra borders, because the filament is pretty flexible.
  • Also, the right top border acts as a light blocker for the battery light.
  • I made the charging hole a bit bigger for my charger.
  • I changed the power/volume buttons for better tactile control (as in, feeling what button is which)
  • Straight walls for better printing (now too straight, there is room to let the wall slant a bit)
  • I’m going to tidy up the space between te original wall and new wall, it seems to give some grip when I put the phone against a wall (not fully closing it, else it seems too bland)
  • I deleted some relief that made 3D-printing it more difficult, I added some extra height in the top inner walls. (I try to cover as much bezel as possible)
  • I deleted the 3.5mm jack, but can always be added with a soldering iron. #Easy3D
  • I added 1mm to the bottom (I added my own logo, 0.8mm thick, as a line so 3D printing layers on top would not have interference).

Edit; I just popped my other T2e in the case and took a picture :sweat_smile:.

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