The Tercube website and marketing emails are now mentioning the Teracube Thrive (“You know, for kids!” ), and have posted a link to their now-active Indiegogo campaign. As a “discerning” consumer of Teracube products, and a parent a of near-to-phone-age kid, this interests me more than a little. It would be nice to put electric boundaries in place without subjecting my child to the Eye of Google. That said, I have questions:
The first question on the Indiegogo engagement page is basically “what does the $9/month subscription get me” There is a response, but the response doesn’t answer that question. Does Teracube even know this yet? I’m OK if the answer is “no, we don’t know yet”, but if that’s the case, they should figure it out soon, because I think they will probably lose a lot of customers if they don’t offer a “phone only” option. I personally would be OK with a subscription if it offers additional features I will use.
Service aside, what’s under the hood in the way of hardware? The Indiegogo page is essentially silent on this, which I find a bit unusual. Is it basically a Teracube 2e with a custom OS (Thrive OS)?
Is “Thrive OS” hardware specific? Is it FOSS? Could we give it a test drive or help with development by installing it on an old phone?
Great idea, by the way!