Where to buy Teracube (US and Canada)

Currently we are shipping Teracube to US and Canadian customers only. Here are some ways to order:

  1. Our store : https://store.myteracube.com (US and Canada both)

  2. Amazon US : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B084NW1SCM

  3. Amazon Canada : https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B084NW1SCM (Best option for Canadian customers)

  4. XDA, CNet, Mashable, Zdnet, BuyMeOnce (and few more) - these online magazines are also running a promotion on Teracube.

All sales on these platforms come with our 4-year warranty.

Note : We also have the new case for the phone. Links here.

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Here is one someone is selling on Ebay if you’re ok with used.


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