Cant send SMS (Emerald)

I’ve tried 3 sms apps
The stock SMS app says “Failed to create conversation. Please try again later”
QKSMS crashes
Simple SMS says “unable to save message to telephony database” as well as spitting various sqlite errors

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Forgot to mention I’m on Android 12

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A fair number of people have reported their APN settings getting mixed up. You might want to verify them against your carrier’s website.

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I had a similar problem after the Android 12 upgrade.

I don’t know my android architecture but it seems the SMS message database and the db clients had some sort of schema mismatch. Not only could I not send SMS msgs, I could not receive messages either (I swear I successfully tested SMS immediately after the upgrade but might be misremembering)

I did a factory reset and everything started working fine (it’s possible a milder reset would have sufficed but I didn’t want to mess around)

Good luck! I’ve been enjoying my Android 12 device!


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Welcome, sorry for the trouble!

It looks like you got some excellent advice in this thread that should get you sorted.

Have you had a chance to pursue any of it?

What is your status?

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@Dog_Tools_100 @PlantProtein86 - I suggest you install our Android 13 build. Running smooth and stable :slight_smile: .

[Beta] Android 13 for Teracube 2e