Go directly to Android 15, do pass Android 14, do not collect $200

Android 15 dropped a few days ago. This reply in this thread states the intent for development to continue with Android 14 and 15:

Android 14 evidently seems possible with this release of LineageOS 21:

Personal opinion, don’t waste your time with 14. Releases have been a bit slow and there was a jump from 11 to 13 (skipping 12) after 13 was already surpassed by 14 (and a few months later, 15 as well). Just jump straight to 15 and maybe you can catch up with the Android releases instead of being roughly 2 versions behind.
The title is a reference to Monopoly for anyone here who is young enough to not recognize it.



Thanks for the feedback.

The team will have to work through Android 14 to go to Android 15, so we will not be skipping a major version on that path.

However, there are migrations and upgrades that have to happen as part of the migration path from Android 13 → Android 14 that will ease the migration from Android 14 → Android 15, so the efforts will build upon and support one another.

Okay, such as?

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Kernel, TEE, other system apps/libraries, confifuration changes, etc.

Incremental/stepwise updates make these changes easier to test and iterate upon.

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Okay. Best of luck, I’m hoping the process of upgrading to Android 14 is speedy since there is a working LineageOS 21 (Android 14) build.

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Thanks for your support!

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