Hi all, there is plenty of information about what DOESN’T work to charge the Teracube 2e, but I was thinking the community might want to create a list of what chargers/cables explicitly DO work, since the official Teracube charger is out of stock. I would ask the community to contribute two types of information here: The USB A-to-C cable that is working for them, and the USB A charger that is working here.
I will start off by asking if the USB A-to-C cable mentioned here in the forum definitely works https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085SBKM7Y?
Another USB A-to-C mentioned in the forum are:
this (US): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DC5PPFV
and this (UK): https://www.amazon.co.uk/RAVIAD-Braided-Charging-Samsung-OnePlus/dp/B089GD78ZW
As for the chargers themselves, I see that @mcmd has kindly contributed that the Samsung EP-TA200 charger works for them.
Can others please chime in with the USB A charger that is working for them, and the USB A-to-C cable that is working (if they know it)? If you’ve already mentioned it in other post, just link to that post if you don’t want to write it down again.