Terra cube 2E and glucose monitor compatibility

I have a Teracube 2e. I’m trying to sync a glucose monitor to it that is continuous, dexcom 6. It is not linking up. It was suggested that it could be the operating system. I am on OS 11. If I upgrade my operating system to OS 12 how vital is it that I backup my whole phone? Has anyone had an experience with a glucose monitor and this particular phone? Thanks.

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If you are going to go to a pre-release Build, I would recommend going to our Android 13 Beta instead of Android 12.

As with any upgrade to a pre-release build, backups of important photos/data are always recommended, but we have not had too many reports of issues with upgrades, as most folks seem to be doing just fine.

Unfortunately, no experience with a CGM, but I do have experience with other medical devices (hearing aids) which work acceptably under Android 13 Beta 2.

Do you side load the new OS?

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Sort of. You are manually fetching the OTA image that will be applied by the system TeraCube Updater app like a normal OTA