Text messages & call history

How do i delete text messages and call history on my daughters phone?

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Are you talking about remotely using the TeraCube Parent app against your daughter’s Thrive phone, or do you mean by using her phone in-hand?

Either way. i just want to clean it up some, the lists are long and just taking up the memory.

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From the phone you can long-tap on the icon for Phone and Messages, go into App Info, Storage, and then Clear Storage should do it.

These entries take up incredibly insignificant amounts of storage, however.

Apps, music, movies, and pictures are the most impactful on storage space, if you are running low.

The “Delete” button was removed from the Messages app so the parents can view all old messages. We will be adding an “Archive” functionality where the child/parent can hide messages, but they are still viewable by the Parents when they want to.

As mentioned by @Saijin_Naib - these messages take really low amount of storage. So you may not gain much by deleting them anyway.

Clearing storage would clear all messages though, right? Just want some deleted not all.

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Thank you both for the information! :blush:

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Yes, sorry! I wasn’t clear on exactly how you wanted to approach it.

Sharad’s information is the best fit for your case.

Please read the below article on how to delete unwanted texts:

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