Hi, I’m sorry to keep bugging you about this… My writeup about the battery charging limit setup is still not where I think it needs to be.
On the 2e User Guide page, it is shown under “Common Questions” but not under “How to” on the left side of the page. I think in needs to be included in the “How To” list.
Then also, on support.myteracube.com there’s another short “How to” list. Shouldn’t the battery stuff be included there too? It’s at least as important as “Hide the Camera Notch.”
I’m bugging you because this charge limit feature is a significant asset for the 2e. It reduces the battery wear rate significantly and can extend the battery lifespan significantly. The 2e makes it possible for the user to replace the battery easily. The charge-limit feature makes it possible to reduce how often you need to replace the battery. This should appeal to those same users!
I’m also puzzled by the need for separate logins to community and support. Seems strange you do that to your users.
regards, Dave, 913-707-4527