Buying spare parts

I saw on another forum that the Teracube 2e would have spare parts for sale, like batteries, screens, etc. Are these available yet, and if so, where could I find them?

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Hi @Bumble_Bee - welcome to Teracube forums. We have completed shipping of pre-ordered batteries this week. The spare parts should be made available soon (ETA 2-3 weeks). Is there any particular part you are looking for?

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Hi, that does not answer his question.
I also wonder what happened: when I purchased my phone accessories, spare parts & batteries were also displayed on the Terracube website. Presently I no longer find any info on such items on your site. Shipping these items to wherever does not solve our problem if we do not know where to get them, or to verify what is currently available. What happened, and where do I have to go to be able to order extra’s, replacements, etc.? (contacting you from Belgium)


Hi @Erik_Verheyen - your concerns are valid. We are working on making the spare parts available and are a bit behind. Will share more once there is an update.

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Disappointed, almost one month later, no update on spare parts …

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I am looking for a new screen protector since this summer. Waiting for genuine spâre parts as I am not going to try the screen protectors designed for other phones. The feedback from those who used them - sometimes based on the suggestion of your communication team - just don’t seem to fit.

Hi @Erik_Verheyen - even the Teracube screen protectors have a side air gap issue. If you are ok with that, then they should be available on our Amazon links.

If you want a better fit with no air gaps, then this style 3rd party screen protectors would be the way to go.

Hi, I will have to try your ‘plan B solution’ out of necessity, not by choise. Please understand my disappointment with this ‘solution’.
I purchased a Terracube2 phone in February 2021 (that is almost 8 months ago) because of your promise that dedicated spare parts would be available.
Please explain why I should not regret having bought a ‘fair’ phone whose sustainability seems to depend on spare parts provided by brands that clearly do not belong to the sustainable phone niche?

Spare parts are now available.
Original post.

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I notices that there is no mention of batteries for the Terracube 2e in the spare parts list

Batteries are listed as an Accessory part.

Thanks. I thought they would be classified as a part.

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