Phone Screen Unresponsive, Phantom Input

Hello. I’m have the same or similar problem. The phone has been dropped, and the screen seems like it is popping out.

I did notice that this problem has worsened over time. The screen has become less and less responsive to inputs and even generating random inputs over time.

I have 13.1.0+628e52c.emerald.user

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If the screen is separating, there may be damage. Do you see any hairline fractures or other breakage?

In any case, you would likely be best to replace the screen with a repair part from the store, or have us replace it for you.

Do you know what way you’d like to proceed?

There is one hairline fracture. Not sure if on the screen or the screen protector. I had taken off the case because I thought that the case was contributing to strange inputs.

For next steps, I live in São Paulo, Brazil. So, I think it would be best for me to replace the screen myself. Is it possible to ship the replacement parts to me?

I also have an older teracube 2e with a cracked screen. I kept it around just for parts. I know the screen is cracked but it’s not having input problems. In any case, it would be good to have replacement parts with me.

Thanks for the help

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Any chance you can let me know which parts I need to buy and instructions for how to make the repair?

All the best,

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Here is the part:


If the phone is under warranty, can I get the screen reimbursed?

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See the terms of the warranty here.

If the screen is cracked or damaged, that would be accidental not materials/work, so not covered.

So I ended up just glueing the screen back on as mentioned in other posts:

Screen hanging by cables not attached - Teracube 2e - Teracube Community

Screen peeling off. Suggestions? - Teracube 2e - Teracube Community

This solved the issues I was having with the screen inputs. I didn’t end up needing to replace the whole screen. Since the screen came fully loose and was just hanging by the ribbon, I was able to get B-7000 glue all around the edges. However, I find there is still some give on the front screen.

I found that a contributing factor to this glass coming loose was the phone case. It was very difficult to remove as it got stuck on the edges. I think that over time, this is what caused the adhesive to wear out.

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Excellent news!

I am in the same boat, except my screen is incredibly badly damaged and my new one is somewhere packed away from a move.

I’ll be adhering mine back down to extend the life a bit longer :slight_smile:

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