Update Security Teracube 2e emerald


Do you think it would be possible to hope for an update of the teracube 2e emerald?
Unless I’m mistaken, since its release, we had a manual update in beta in April and then, nothing… we are November 27.

What is the use of a smartphone that you can’t connect to the internet with a minimum of security?
4 years of hardware support is great, but without software support, I personally find it useless.
Well, I have the impression that this is one more topic on this subject, but as they say, hope makes you live!
Counting on your wake up call and actions.

Best regards

What is the use of a smartphone that you can’t connect to the internet with a minimum of security?

Let’s be honest here, it hasn’t even been a year yet. From the sound of things, you’re using the base OS with Google services instead of the de-googled eOS, so clearly privacy and security is not a real concern for you. If you’re being hunted by governments and organizations, then you have reason to worry, but you also wouldn’t be using Google services because they’d just rat you out. You’d be using a flip phone at best.

The reality of Android is that MOST devices in the world are running Android 10 and older. It’s so bad Google literally stopped publishing the numbers for app developers. Google launched 13 recently and even LineageOS hasn’t caught up yet. If updates are that important, then switch to iOS. Any long-time user of Android knows updates are unicorns on this side of the ecosystem, especially when it comes to smaller companies.

Thank you for the answer and the interesting information.
I bought e2 emerald at efoundation, it was a little more expensive, but the price difference allows for financing. That’s why I let them flash the smartphone.
Regarding my use, it is really basic, web searches, mail, music, podcasts, photos, videos and the use of the eco system of /e/
/e/OS browser & WebView is still from March 29th and has accrued 244 known security issues.
There is a bug on the live display, not fixed, works on the stock rom.
I had before an s7 edge that I had flashed myself with /e/, sold at one time by /e/, speaker problem, not fixed.
Currently they are in a campaign to fix bugs until the end of this year, maybe everything will return to order.
Concerning teracube, several users have complained about the updates, it does not move.
It is the whole thing that caused my somewhat impulsive annoyance.
Here we are talking about commercial companies, and a smartphone can be a big budget depending on the standard of living.
Let’s say I recommend murena phones to customers for a minimum of privacy or teracube for the repair/ecology approach, that they take a minimum interest in this subject, what will they think? I think it is counterproductive for their causes. This is just me.
I don’t think I’m being tracked by governments and organizations, if I am, they might get bored!
But I would like to have a minimum of protection to browse the web and potentially infected sites, and to have basic functionality working.
I think the ideas are good, but behind them there is, for me, a lack of professionalism. My linux computers are regularly updated, I didn’t have kernel, firmware, browsers full of cve known by devs (well I hope) for months.
Finally, I re-flashed it in pro google mode first to compare bugs, and then I’m thinking of reselling it.
For now I don’t have a flip phone but a nokia 105 without data, with a camera on the side and a nuc for podcasts and night videos.
At least I gained some extra time to take care of my family!
Best regards

Hi @klm - welcome to Teracube forums. We are working on an Android 12 update - the current ETA is Feb-March 2022.

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Is the idea to skip Android 11 altogether? I get that there is (or 5 or whatever), but without an OTA update, I’m less interested.

Besides, I’d be more up for waiting another 2-3 months if it means a major update.

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At current, yes, the idea is to skip rollout of Android 11 entirely as all developer effort for testing, fixes, certification, and improvements are focused on the Android 12 release.


A new certified update (Android 13) is live, here!

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